Quick Link: The Top 10 Worst Graphs in Science

Karl Bowman offers a list of the top 10 worst graphs in the scientific literature. Bowman not only critiques each graph, but also offers suggestions to improve the graph in the future. For this list, the social sciences were not included. I imagine that we have some relatively uninformative displays in our articles, but I have not seen a comparable list for our discipline—perhaps due to the obvious disincentives that exist for compiling such a list together.     

A Few Non-Connected Thoughts and Links

The three of us, along with Ray Carman, traveled to New York City for the weekend to enjoy a few hours of Eddie Izzard performing at Radio City Music Hall for this current "Stripped" tour.  As such, the trip is still fresh in my mind as I return to work on a few projects involving asymmetric relationships; this clip from over a decade ago is begging to be included as an introductory quote to an article or chapter on imperialism: Second, for those of you who are design savvy (I am not), the Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science Continue reading A Few Non-Connected Thoughts and Links